I am very pro-marriage. Ever since I was little I have wanted the big white wedding. And since my parents are both multiple divorcees, I have always said I am only going to do it once. Hence, my many engagements and no marriage thus far! My parents split when I was young and I have always held on to the dream of finding 'the One' and growing old together. Every one says marriage changes things, but there is also a sense of security that comes with that little piece of paper that you just can't get by just living together. I am just old-fashioned I guess.
FG and I have talked about this subject many times. He was like me... only once. He has done his one and says he will never get married again. Yet, he has also joked about us tying the knot in the future... lol. Well, if he wants to stay with me, he is going to have to change his mind. I am still owed my one wedding!
2. Have you ever invented or thought you invented a sexual position?
Nope. I think this goes along with one of the questions last week. I am not too into the contorted sexual positions. And... since sex has been around.. forever, I am sure it has all been done before!
3. Do you like to be tied up? Always or sometimes?
I am still up in the air about this one. It's a grey area. I love to be restrained, but that is not the same as tied up. Light bondage can be fun occasionally. But I much prefer being bodily held down, wrists gripped in his hand above my head, or a hand on my throat. yum-O!
4. Do you consider online cybering adultery?
Absolutely. Again, its a commitment issue. Just because it is online, does not make it any different from meeting someone at the bar. Any time you are being intimate with another (and its not been discussed within the relationship as okay) then that is cheating.
5. Do you prefer masturbation over real sex?
Umm... no! Having just come off of an almost 1 year dry spell (!!), nothing beats the real deal. I am not that into masturbation. It really does nothing for me. Sure, I can get off, but what turns me on is another body, hands molding skin, the force of bodies coming (and cumming) together.. and you just can't get that on your own! Funny thing is though, I usually masturbate more IN a relationship that not. If I don't have any one to be intimate with, the urge just isn't really there. But when I am with someone, and they might be at work, I can get so worked up with anticipation that I need that release to get me through until I can get my hands on them. *grin*
6. Do you want sex more times a day than your partner?
Right now, YES. I have a year to make up for after all! Unfortunately, the sex I did have this weekend was SO good that I think I am missing layers of skin and am outta commission for a bit. :( *blush*
Speaking of which, I still have to write the update on that encounter!
7. Do you get offended when you partner openly flirts with others or are you okay with it?
Hmm.. I can be/am a bit possessive. Just from past history, jealousy has reared its ugly head. It really depends on if the flirting is serious or just in fun. If it is serious, then hell ya, there is a problem.
8. Do you think you're flirty by nature?
100% yes. Which is not always a good thing and has gotten me in trouble on more than one occasion. Sometimes I don't even know I am doing it. I tend to flirt sometimes as a way to ease awkwardness and tension when around new people.

You bring up a good point about cybering. I hadn't thought of it but you're right- breaking that intimacy and finding it with another *would* be akin to cheating, regardless of if there's actual sex involved or not.
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