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You haunt me and you hurt me so...
unbeknownst to you as you sit there in your own world playing your God-like games.
Desire withdrawn, hot then cold, you lead me on.
No leash, but a leash all the same. So it goes.
Like a moth to a flame, knowing it will get burnt, get hurt...
...yet craving your words.
You haunt my fantasies, my realities are tainted since your touch.
There is no other who seems to know me so much... yet, know me not at all.
And I sit here and yearn, and bleed my soul, and die a bit with every passing day.
'Yes, I am fine,' I say.
And I turn to find another way to make this pain go...
...but it's comfortable.
At least I have this much, I try to tell myself.
So close, yet so far away, so many miles, so many days...
...we go on with our lives.
You go your way, and I'll go mine.
There is no other choice.

Is there?


callie in chains 2008-2011 | TNB
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callie in chains blog by callie in chains is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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