I got alot accomplished and nothing at all done this month! The first half I got a good bit of studying in despite a streak of infections with my wisdom teeth. Finally got those darn things out a few weeks ago! Which has turned me into an unmotivated, blog surfing, lump of laziness the last half of the month.
I remember my dad made some crack about me getting my "smart" teeth out before the surgery. Shit, he may have been right!
Have a lot of plans for the month of February. Besides getting back into the swing of things with school, I want to try and start working out again in the mornings, and go through my belongings and de-clutter a bit.
As for the blog... besides the HNT, TMI, and 1WW's, I am going to attempt to participate in A Month of Poetry. The site says:
A Month of Poetry is a challenge to write a poem a day in the month of February. Send your poems to us, post them on your own blog (send us a link), print them in chapbooks and sell them, read them aloud to your friends, or burn them one by one. Just keep writing.
Time to brush the ol' cobwebs off the creative noggin' and see what I can come up with. This should be interesting. ;)