callie: i got Ho Ho's today, hee hee!
SM: LOL it's the little things.
callie: ya, the name alone makes them more fun to eat than just the cupcakes.. even though its the same darn ingredients.
callie: AND Ho Ho's are better than DingDongs... go figure .
SM: i don't know about that
callie: *gasp* you like DingDongs more than Ho Ho's?
SM: ha ha ha. yeah i do
callie: Ho Ho's have more cream filling
SM: you sure about tthat
callie: more filling, less cake
callie: Although... they did get the names backwards... considering
SM: i was thinking the same thing. LOL i was going to call you a perv
callie: I am a perv, but you cant call me one if you were thinkin' it too
It's the little amusements that keep me from nodding off at the computer at 3 a.m. Still amazes me, the crap my mind comes up with sometimes. :D

What do you think?
lmao...Ho-Ho's all the way!! :D
Thanks for stopping by!
Woot! 1 vote for my side!
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