1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
OMG! Ready for this one?? It was Superman Returns in 2006!! Which I had to see not only once, but again when it came to IMAX in 3-D, thanks to my Superman-obsessed ex, SM.
2. What is your favorite movie theater snack?
Mmmm.. gotta have Red Vines... fresh ones.. all soft and chewy.. *drool*
3. Have you ever snuck in 'outside' food into a theater?
EVERY time I go... or, uh, went that is! Unless I am on a date and he is paying. ;) but that hasn't happened in... ohh, AGES!! The theater just charges way too much for stale candy.
4. Have you ever made out in a theater?
Oh, yea! Who hasn't at least hit 'first base' at the movies??
5. What is the 'farthest' you have gone in a theater?
Umm... second base, rounding 3rd *brushes cobwebs off the memories* Oh, do drive-ins count?? Hee hee!
Bonus (as in optional): What is one of your favorite movie sex scene?
The first one that comes to mind is Boxing Helena. There are several oh soo hot scenes in that movie, but the one that comes to mind is when Nick and his girlfriend, Anne, are getting sweaty while Helena watches through a crack in the door. A song by Enigma is playing... and it pauses.. the breathing... ohh my! *starts fanning self* H.O.T. I think I need to go rent that movie again!
I tried to find a clip.. but no luck! Here is the trailer if you haven't seen the movie. It's one of my favorites, but definately has the creepy-factor going on.

Ooo thank you now I have a decent movie to watch tonight! Rofl I rarely go the the movies now ... teh interwebz rawk ;)
Hee hee! Hope you enjoy! Its one of those movies you either love or hate.
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