This week's questions were submitted by Os in honor of HNTs 4th Birthday!
1. Have you ever participated in HNT? If so, when? If not, why not?
Yes, I have. Although I have been absent lately. Every week passes and I think 'oh! I need to do an HNT!' but then can't seem to muster enough energy to actually do so.
2. Have you ever avoided certain sites because of the HNT pictures that were posted?
No. My blog is NSFW most times itself, so I for sure wouldn't be avoiding more graphic HNTs. In fact, most of the blogs on my reader are sex-blogs of some nature.
3. Have you ever posted a HNT picture that you wish that you hadn't?
Yes and no. One of the more graphic (not really) pictures I posted here - which I have no problem with, but I also used it as an avatar for a minute. The ex, SM, saw it and gave me a bit of a headache about it.
4. Do you email/text/call anyone regularly with someone you met through HNT?
1. Have you ever participated in HNT? If so, when? If not, why not?
Yes, I have. Although I have been absent lately. Every week passes and I think 'oh! I need to do an HNT!' but then can't seem to muster enough energy to actually do so.
2. Have you ever avoided certain sites because of the HNT pictures that were posted?
No. My blog is NSFW most times itself, so I for sure wouldn't be avoiding more graphic HNTs. In fact, most of the blogs on my reader are sex-blogs of some nature.
3. Have you ever posted a HNT picture that you wish that you hadn't?
Yes and no. One of the more graphic (not really) pictures I posted here - which I have no problem with, but I also used it as an avatar for a minute. The ex, SM, saw it and gave me a bit of a headache about it.
4. Do you email/text/call anyone regularly with someone you met through HNT?
No, I don't really have 'blogger friends' that I keep in contact with outside of the comment box.
5. What percentage of your online friends are current or former HNTers?
None. See above. :P
6. Does anyone in your "real" life know that you do HNT (if, of course, you do)?
Yes, a couple friends know.
7. Other than previously-known friends, have you met any fellow HNTers?
Nope, again see above.
8. Have you ever downloaded someone else's HNT pictures?
No, I haven't downloaded any. I know where they are if I ever wanted to go back and look at them again.
BONUS QUESTION: Have you ever submitted a picture for "...the Other HNT"?
No, I considered it before I started doing HNTs, but at the time getting a free minute to do a decent photo was rare and I just never got around to it. I did used to go visit the site regularly, but again as with my blogging, that has fallen off over time.
5. What percentage of your online friends are current or former HNTers?
None. See above. :P
6. Does anyone in your "real" life know that you do HNT (if, of course, you do)?
Yes, a couple friends know.
7. Other than previously-known friends, have you met any fellow HNTers?
Nope, again see above.
8. Have you ever downloaded someone else's HNT pictures?
No, I haven't downloaded any. I know where they are if I ever wanted to go back and look at them again.
BONUS QUESTION: Have you ever submitted a picture for "...the Other HNT"?
No, I considered it before I started doing HNTs, but at the time getting a free minute to do a decent photo was rare and I just never got around to it. I did used to go visit the site regularly, but again as with my blogging, that has fallen off over time.

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