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Just Filler... #3 we go!

1. It is just a house or a home?
2. My favorite thing for dinner lately has been Mexican always. Mmm beans, rice and shredded beef chimichangas!.
3. All the dog and I ever do is bark! bark! bark!
4. A nice long walk sounds like too much work.
5. I am still waiting to hear some good news.
6. When all is said and done, you have to put on your big-girl panties and deal with it!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my night off, tomorrow my plans include visiting family and Sunday, I want to wake up to a clean house (where are those magical elves when you need them?)!



BurtonReview said...

I love your food choice.. YUMMYY.. but my husband would not agree unfortunately!
And I wonder just what qualifies as big girl panties? Granny panties or thongs?

Please visit my post, I have a small favor to ask you :)



Paula said...

I agree that a nice long walk sounds like work...have a good Friday

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