Standard banner...
And a mini-version... I think its going to be my new avatar too!
Arn't they booty-fullz?!
When I get the time, I am going to re-do the 1-Wish Wednesday icon too... it's on the to-do list. ;)
The blog I am now a contributor for is Kinky Sex Link.
[Kinky Sex Link] is a collaborative effort made up of the best BDSM and Fetish Bloggers and Authors we could find. So you get to read different kink bloggers on just one site.
It is a very informative site with authors from all aspects of the kink/BDSM world, and an impressive (and growing!) list of links to all Kinkdom! I look forward to adding my 2-cents in over there once my craziness settles down a bit!
Here is their banner. Go on over and check them out!
I made this mini-banner up... more blog-friendly! ;)
Life is about to get pretty hectic for me (more on that later!), so I have been trying to make sure I have new stuff lined up and ready for this little space of mine. I have been doing good with this little project, and will not let her fall by the wayside just yet!
Actually, I am finding, I have too many things I want to post! I just don't have a lot of time to sit and write right now, and I don't want to show all my cards at once! ;)
So stay tuned! *muah*
...and P.S. if for some reason you want the code links for any of my banners/icons, just let me know and I can get them to you!
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