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TMI Tuesday 2

1. When you sleep with someone, how much or how little contact do you like to have? I am a cuddler, but also want my space. If I can't get comfortable, then i can't sleep. And if I am horny, having a naked body pressed against me tends to keep me awake too! ;)

2. What do you think there is a appropriate amount of time for a divorce parent to date before introducing the kids to the "new" "special" person in their life? That would have to be an individual choice based on the circumstances and ages of the children. I think if the parent is "just playing the field," then it would be inappropriate to introduce every wo/man that crosses the sheets. If the relationship has been discussed, is serious, and there is a possible future, then introductions would be appropriate.

3. Which ONE do you wish you had more of in bed... romance, experimentation or foreplay? How about just SEX in general? Let me get the basics and then I will quibble over the details! ;)

4. What do you thinks makes a kiss great? Passion, whether subtle or fiery. That spark that keeps you glued to the taste and feel of the other's lips. Oh! And a little bit of biting goes along way! :D

5. Describe your sex life in two words. Sadly Nonexistent

Bonus (as in optional): Do you remember a time when you were having sex that you smile or even laugh about now? Do tell.... I can't think of any one moment right now. SM was great in the sack, that is one thing I will give him credit for and certainly miss a lot! He knew how to push the right buttons, and that always makes me smile. Now, it just makes me cry, cause I need to get laid!!


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