My showers used to be my time to myself, away from the kids, at the end of a stressful day. Letting the hot water play across skin, beat against aching neck muscles and back, I would just stand there and close my eyes, feeling the day rinse away...
tied up... or tied down?
ohhh very very sexy!
Love the pic.
Veronica calls the just-before-bed shower her "washing the mommy off me" shower
Great picture!
Happy HNT
This is a wonderful shot! And I hear you on the time away...
Gah, I totally agree. I feel the same way about that time of day. Awesome pic!
Definitely worth the wait!
We girls need that don't we...great pic!
Yes. Open that sliding glass door. I'm coming in. I can feel your skin now. It's wet, slippery and amazing. My hands want to slide down all over your body.
how did I miss this pic? I DO need to join you in the shower... I just finished help dig a trench :)
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