At the guy's apartment... on the bed, in the shower, on the counter. Later on he ended up moving out of that place, and I moved in there with his old roomate (nothing romantic). Was a total shithole.
2. How often do you lie?
I try not to, but it happens to protect the innocent.
3. If you could only be one, would you rather be smart or good looking?
Well, I am already one and not the other as it is (IMO).
4. Have you ever passed out or suffered memory loss from drinking too much?
How am I supposed to know! I was either passed out or forgot!! *grin*
5. Top or bottom?
Me: Bottom. I love the feeling of being pinned down, his large body over mine, being ground into the bedsheets.
Bonus: Do you have any catalogs for toys/videos/lingere delivered to your home?
Not in a long long time. If I want something of that nature I will either jump online or go to one of the numerous adult stores we have in this area.

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