1. Have you ever attended a group masturbation party? Same-sex or mixed?
Hmm, in the sense that this question was asked... No. I have not been around solely for the sake of watching, nor participated in a group masturbation. (Not interested in and too shy to be an acitve participant.) I have, however, been around and seen group masturbation taking place, just due to location. Did that make any sense at all!?! LOL
2. When masturbating, as you reach orgasm, do you continue to stimulate yourself without interruption, or do you stop and apply pressure until your spasms subside? Or?
I rarely masturbate, but I think its different each time I do. If I am just trying to get off once, I have to stop or I can keep orgasming. If I am going for multiples, I will keep it up.
3. Have you ever video'ed yourself while masturbating (solo)? Where are they now?
Does a camera phone count? Was just a minute clip, and if it didn't get deleted, then it is on my computer somewhere.
4. Have you ever look at porn online? Have you ever posted at porn online?
Yes, I have looked. ;) and have posted pornographic photos, but not porn per se.
5. Do you send/recieve dirty email jokes and pictures?
Not so much anymore. I still recieve some from friends, but really don't have time to sit and forward everything that hits my inbox.
Bonus: Have you ever told someone they were good in bed when they weren't?
I don't think I have ever told a bad lay that they were good, but I have exaggerated how much I enjoyed it!

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