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do you dream?

Did you enjoy last night?

You were supposed to meet me the night before last...

Didn't you feel me?

If you thought of me as you started your day... I didn't get to bed until you were getting up.

I did think of you as I got up. I do most days actually.

You do?



You have such dreams...

What dreams?

You don't daydream of being with the one you love, feeling total submission? How many times have you felt it when you chat with me randomly?

Honestly, I think about it all the time... It's in my head constantly. It's hard being one who's nature needs balance walking around without her other half...

Hard to walk around like that... makes it hard to concentrate. I make it hard for you sometimes, I'm sure.

When you ask questions like that, yes you make it a bit hard.


callie in chains 2008-2011 | TNB
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